Exploring the emotional journey behind the only timeless constant, change.
My mother passed away in March and the grief was profound and palpable. At her wake, I played the Fleetwood Mac song "Songbird" as a tribute to her life and it helped me to process what I was feeling. "Seasons Change" was a song that I had been working on but it was finished during this agonizing time. It has a contemplative yet powerful message to embrace change in order to live your best life and enjoy the journey. Don't worry about what was...focus on what is and what's to come!"
- Alternative Rock Artist, Totten Bridge, on the song’s inspiration.
Overall, "Seasons Change" boasts a powerful rhythm and driving beat, while the lyrics deliver a strong message of desire to overcome fear, taking on life's biggest challenges, and embracing the future.
I wanted Seasons Change to feel powerful and cause someone to listen to the lyrics as a call to action about embracing change and overcoming their fears."
Alternative Rock Artist, Totten Bridge